Selecting the Right Fish for your Aquarium
Fish are great as pets, provided you understand how to take care of them. Aquariums form a beautiful section of a house. But most people find the work of maintaining a great looking and fresh aquarium to be too much. Should you manage that task, you shall find them to be great pets to have around. This calls for you pick only fish that is easy to care for. You also need the peaceful breeds that can live among others well. Here are examples of such fish for you to consider.
Danios are characterized by being small, active and colorful. These are commonly presented in red, yellow and green. They are lively but hardly aggressive and live well with other species. They prefer a large aquarium with gravel and plants at the bottom, with pH levels close to that of fresh water.
Black Molly, however, can live in any water. They are thus easier to care for. They tend to be platinum colored, dusty gold or black. They eat mostly flake and pellet foods, bloodworms, and brine shrimp. They can live with other fish as long as they are not larger.
Platies shall be in more color, such as in blue, purple, red-orange, and yellow. They can be bred to produce more color blends. They are passive, and don’t mind living with other passive fish are. The male species are normally smaller than the female ones. They do well in warmer water and eat flake food, freeze-dried food, and algae.
You will find Betta fish in shapes like half-moon, double-tail and crown tail. They like their water warmer, and changed regularly.
Neon Tetra shall be presented with silver or white abdomens with bright blue backs. They also live well with other species.
Guppies are the most playful, and you shall see them breeding a lot. If you have few of them, with time they shall multiply a lot. The female species is normally twice as big as the meals in size. The males are however the ones with the more colorful bodies.
Rainbow fish have the colors moisture their names suggest. They also grow more colorful once they settle in their new aquarium. They are passive, and shall live well among similarly disposed species.
Glofish are like Danios, save for their neon shine. They prefer the company of other less aggressive fish.
These are some of the fish that shall do well in your aquarium. The fact that they co-exist with no issues means that you can pick among them and thus end up with an even better looking aquarium. If you wish to see other types of fish you can add to the aquariums, you can read more about them on this site.