Wireless Dog Fences Advantages to you and Your Dogs.
If you are a dog lover, then you must know the way dogs love to run and chase and unless you have them in a fence they will always run without worrying of any danger and you will be worried sick about their safety always.
Especially if your property is too large or it is located in a busy road you will need to keep track of your dog and the easier way is to have a radio fence collar for dogs so that you are sure the dogs is safe and sound at home.
We have two types of invisible fences, the underground dog fence wire is linked to a house transmitter and the wireless fence which has a transmitter in the house and then send radio waves to the dogs collar.
So, how do you select the best invisible dog fence system for your dog? The size and the property size because each of the wireless fences come with a maximum range therefore select the one depending on your property size.
Shape of the property is another thing to consider when you are selecting the invisible dog fence, each of the transmitters will create a circular area of the coverage and the boundary for the fence is a circle, but if you want irregular shapes go for the wired pet fence.
The type of the landscape of the property is another thing you need to consider because for the radio waves the wireless fences works well which means when you have a large metal object this radio transmission you will end up with a broken fence.
Also consider if you have metal doors, or other items which are metallic, radio waves will not travels through these metals bars and you will need to consider how you will fill these gaps.
The minimum weight of the dog is also another consideration since the mild electric shock is administered and to ensure that it does not harm you dog in any way.
The minimum age when the puppies need to be in the electric fence is another consideration, puppies that are below 6 years should not be put in invisible fences because they are prone to be harmed by the electric shock.
The number of dogs also determines the type of fence you will require in your property, some of the systems will only allow one dog to be tuned to the transmitter while others will have unlimited numbers, therefore look for the one that will cater for all your dogs.
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