Author Archives: admin

More Bets on the Go

My birthday was last week and I got a few presents from my friends and family. My parents bought me a new phone to replace my old one that I had been using for 5 years. The new phone is faster than my old one, has more power, and has a bigger screen. This is great for playing games and going on the betting web sites. My old phone could barely handle going on the web sites and would always freeze after a few minutes. I would barely be able to place a bet before I would have to restart the phone.

Being able to use the sites on my phone gives me the ability to make bets on the go. Continue reading

Chuck Made Me Give Him 20 Bucks to Be His Assistant

All you have to do is go on the web and search for Las Vegas escorts to see how he figured that I would pay him for this, but in fact it seems to have come back to me many times over. Like every other town in the world the world’s oldest profession is fairly big here, but in truth a lot of them apparently do not go to the mattresses to use a metaphor. Chuck got the job to do some photos for these girls, most of whom seemed to be largely self employed. Some of them definitely were escorts, I ended up getting to know a few of them and they told me in great detail about what a fellow could get if he had real money. That did not have much to do with me, but they seemed interested in me for the same reasons the university has been. I am big and I am in shape, big enough that most people would want to avoid becoming an enemy and in good enough shape to be do something if I really had to. Continue reading

Sales Training Will Keep Us in the Lead

I knew that myself along with the rest of the sales team needed to have updated training. We were doing okay, but I knew that we could do better if we learned better techniques. We don’t have a lot of competition with what we are selling right now, but I knew that could and probably would end within the near future because we are part of a market that has yet to be super saturated. That never lasts long in today’s times! I looked at some training programs and really liked what I saw with the verkooptraining site I looked at. Continue reading

My Brother Recommends ADT Security Systems

When my brother asked if he could come and speak at our church, I thought it was a great idea. He has been a Christian for just a little over two years, and his testimony is simply amazing. He was in prison for almost a decade because of various drug and robbery charges, and that is where he found God. He was able to speak to a lot of other criminals in there, which taught him more than he could ever imagine. He told me to look into ADT in Omaha even before he got out of prison, and that is one of the things he wanted to talk with my fellow parishioners too. Continue reading

My New Girl is Really Different

I have been dating this girl for a couple of months, but now it is getting more serious and I have began to realize how different the two of us are. She is not quite a vegetarian, but there is not any red meat to be found near her. In fact she is all about organic food and she grows a lot of the stuff that she eats in her garden and in a small greenhouse. She even uses this handmade natural soap bar that she gets off of the internet. I do not mind any of it, but I am not thinking that I am going to let her change me too much either. Continue reading

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel libero at lectus rutrum vestibulum vitae ut turpis. Ut ultricies pulvinar posuere. Nulla rutrum, libero nec pharetra accumsan, enim leo blandit dui, ac bibendum augue dui sed justo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis sit amet fringilla mauris. Ut pharetra, leo id venenatis cursus, libero sapien venenatis nisi, vel commodo lacus urna non nulla. Duis rutrum vestibulum ligula sed hendrerit. Ut tristique cursus odio, et vulputate orci fringilla nec. Proin tempus ipsum ut augue consectetur, in varius dolor bibendum. Proin at dapibus nisl.

Aliquam purus lectus, sodales et est vitae, ullamcorper scelerisque urna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla feugiat, nunc nec gravida varius, nisl tellus dictum purus, a tristique purus lectus eget orci. Vivamus faucibus diam erat, vitae venenatis neque convallis vitae. Etiam eget iaculis arcu. Duis id nisl sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque luctus lorem a odio congue auctor. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc convallis, ante sit amet lobortis eleifend, orci dolor lacinia diam, quis luctus ante magna non sem. Phasellus pretium aliquam enim, a suscipit elit sodales vel. Proin tincidunt quis ipsum in condimentum. Vivamus molestie sodales erat et feugiat. Maecenas venenatis, leo in adipiscing commodo, eros tellus dapibus dui, in dignissim risus ligula id elit.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Donec semper nisi non enim pulvinar venenatis. Vestibulum semper metus.

What Can Bankruptcy Do For You?

Most people never imagine they’ll need the relief of filing bankruptcy, but sometimes debt builds up unexpectedly. A job loss or medical bill may lead to increased credit card debt, and you may only be able to make minimum payments. Other bills rack up, and before you know it, you’re in over your head. There are many benefits to filing bankruptcy, but it’s also important to weigh the consequences of filing before moving forward.

First Steps

Most people know that bankruptcy can discharge many of their debts, but you’ll need to make some important decisions to get to that point. First, we’ll conduct the Means Test to help us decide which chapter of bankruptcy is best for you. If you pass the Means Test, you’re eligible to file a Chapter 7, which discharges most unsecured debts, including medical bills, credit cards, utility bills, and back rent. If your income is too high or you have assets and property you need to protect, a Chapter 13 is a beneficial option. We’ll propose a repayment plan to the court that will last 3-5 years, and during this time you’ll make reduced payments based on your income. At the end of your repayment period, most remaining unsecured debts are discharged, greatly reducing the total you’ll pay on debts.

When you have debt you can’t pay, you’ll undoubtedly get calls and letters from creditors, which can be extremely stressful. One of the benefits of filing any chapter of bankruptcy is that the automatic stay will go into effect, which means your creditors must stop calling you as soon as you tell them you’ve filed. This gives you some time to focus and get your finances in order.

Things to Consider

While all the positive things about bankruptcy are great, this legal decision is not without consequences. Your credit score will decrease, which can make it more difficult to get credit in the future or even to rent a home. Also, not all debts can be included in bankruptcy. You’ll still be responsible for child support and alimony payments, although you may be able to have the payments modified based on your new situation. Student loans may only be included in bankruptcy under very strict guidelines, but you may be able to work with your lender to find a repayment plan that is a better fit for you. Back taxes also are generally not included in bankruptcy.

If you want to keep your property, such as your car or home, you’ll need to stay up to date on these payments; if you fall behind, your creditor will pursue repossession or foreclosure. It may be to your benefit to give up these items if the payments no longer fit your situation, or you may be able to make these payments more reasonable by discharging other debts through bankruptcy.

Thinking about the benefits of bankruptcy can give you hope for your future, and I can help you make a solid plan to discharge debt while preserving as much of your property as possible. If you aren’t sure how to move forward, please call or email me so we can talk.

How to Prepare for Your Bankruptcy Filing

There is a deep despair that creeps into a person’s life when they can’t meet their financial obligations. Don’t let the feelings of failure, anger, or hopelessness take hold of you. Oftentimes, unexpected twists and turns in life happen. Events that you simply couldn’t have planned for may be unaffordable, even if you had an emergency fund, especially if the emergencies all happen all at once.

When you come to the realization that you simply cannot keep up, there is hope. Bankruptcy offers relief for people just like you. Bankruptcy Attorneys can walk you through the process and make sure you don’t have to endure any more stress than needed.

First Steps

You may know what course of action to take, but taking the first step is the hardest part. Every person has a unique situation, so meeting with a Bankruptcy Attorney can help you work through the process. They will conduct the means test, and that will help you know which chapter of bankruptcy to file. From that point, you can make a plan and talk through all the steps so that you will be comfortable with the process.

You will need to complete some worksheets and gather your documentation, such as tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, current bills, and loan paperwork, all going back six months. You’ll also need to show what your current expenses and debts are, as well and what income and assets you have. The court trustee will need to see these documents to get an idea of why you need the relief of bankruptcy.

Another task you’ll need to complete is an online credit counseling course.This is a required course that is easy, affordable, and will hopefully be a good educational tool to help you rebuild your finances.

When you have finished gathering your documentation and have a course completion certificate, you will be ready to file. When you file, you’ll receive your case number and your automatic stay goes into effect. The automatic stay allows you to give your creditors your case number and my information, and they will no longer call you. The relief of filing for bankruptcy will have started, and now you can focus on rebuilding your life and future.

In the Home Stretch

Bankruptcy does take some time, and although it won’t be finished at this point, most of the work will be done. Just a few more simple steps and you will be able to relax as your Chapter 7 discharges all your debt or your Chapter 13 repayment plan will be structured with affordable payments. No one can stand under the weight of debt forever. When you simply run out of resources and the ability to pay, a Bankruptcy Attorney can take that weight off your shoulders and provide relief for you.


Lessons Learned From Bankruptcy

Even if you know that bankruptcy is the right choice, it can be discouraging to think about the long-term consequences you’ll need to face after your case is resolved. Most people look back on their bankruptcy as something they never want to do again, but a situation they learned from. After dealing with your debt in this way, you’ll no doubt gain wisdom that will help you in the future or even help your loved ones avoid the struggles you’ve gone through.


Budgeting will be a part of your bankruptcy case and will become second nature after your debts are taken care of. A Bankruptcy Attorney can help as they discuss your case they can see how to best help your situation, you’ll leave with a comprehensive list of tasks and documents to complete. The next step before filing your case, you’ll need to take an online Credit Counseling Course. This class will not only help you decide if bankruptcy is the right choice for you, but a large focus of this class is also on budgeting. A second, post-filing class is also required, which will help you fine tune your budget further.

One of the most important things you can do to stick to your budget and plan for your financial future is to be aware of where your money is going. It’s up to you to not only create your budget, but to use the discipline required to stick to your budget. It’s OK to make changes as your priorities change, as long as you keep in mind that you only have so much money to work with. This might mean sacrificing in one area to save up for something you really want in another.


When you first file bankruptcy, you won’t have access to credit for a while, which can be a challenge. That’s why it’s so important to focus on building up your savings account. This way, you’ll have some money set aside for emergencies, rather than inadvertently getting into debt again. If you end up in a situation where you owe on a medical bill, for example, work with the creditor to establish a payment plan, rather than relying on credit cards.

Once you have some money in place to take care of emergencies, you can take charge of your finances further by saving up for important purchases or expenses. You’ll have the freedom to dream and plan without the worries of debt, even if the dreams need to be delayed a bit. With a goal in mind, it may be easier to say no to small impulse purchases.

Future Planning

Being in debt can reduce your freedom to live the life you really want to. Instead of deciding where your money goes and how it’s spent, you’re tied to debt payments. Bankruptcy can put an end to this stress and give you a new start. The lessons of rebuilding your credit and living on a budget will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Patience Is A Financial Virtue

Modern society is characterised by fast-paced technology which allows us to enjoy Google searches, Twitter updates and ready-to-eat meals. Today, it seems that patience has become passé; who wants to wait for anything in this age of instant gratification?

Patience, one of the seven heavenly virtues, is the ability to accept delays in the desired timing of an event, or the capacity to endure problems without anxiety. Patience really requires you to take a passive approach while you allow nature or destiny to take its course.

When it comes to money, it could be argued that patience indicates weakness, as we should be fiercely ambitious in going after our financial goals. However, patience is an important trait to have if you want to succeed with money; without it you may be actually be sabotaging your dreams.

Immediate not always ideal

Persuasive advertisers often encourage you to buy their products with a sense of urgency, as they insist that you can’t afford to miss out on the latest fashions or their amazing sales. When you’re spending your money, sometimes you may feel under pressure to act quickly to get the best deal.

Most times, applying a little patience when spending will not let you miss out on must-have items or a once-in-a-lifetime shopping event. In fact, taking your time and thinking twice before you hand over your money can help you to avoid making impulsive purchases that you may regret in the future.

Before you commit to any purchase, ask yourself if it is the best use for your hard-earned dollars. Are there more important purposes to which your funds could be allocated? If you postpone your purchase until the following day, you may actually be relieved that you didn’t give into the desire to spend.

Defer getting into debt

Lending companies also promote the idea that you don’t need to wait for what you want, as you can attain all the items on your financial wish-list if your credit rating permits you to borrow. The concept of saving to obtain the finer things of life is almost obsolete, as your dream is just one loan away.

Experience has taught me that consumer debt is easy to get into and extremely hard to come out of. If you used your credit card to buy the latest high-end smart phone and your bank account is empty, you should be questioning your priorities. Is it worth paying loan interest just to keep up with the Joneses?

Instead of borrowing to buy luxuries, save for them or try to increase your earnings to match your desired lifestyle. Once you have fallen into the debt trap, it will definitely require a lot of time and patience for you to extricate yourself and get back on the road to financial stability.

Slow but steady savings

Another area in which you have to exercise extreme patience is with your savings growth. With the low interest rates currently available on savings accounts, some people choose to forgo saving to spend, or look for more lucrative ways to turn over their money for profit.

Apart from the fact that saving teaches you about making sacrifices and builds discipline, the act of saving is essential to create a store of money for emergency purposes. You also need to save to amass lump sums that can be used for goals such as the down payment on a home.

To get the most from your savings, opt for term deposit accounts that may offer higher interest rates, and ensure that the interest you earn is added to your principal every month. With lots of time and a little patience, the magic of compound interest will allow your savings to grow exponentially.

Wait for wealth

As the saying goes, ‘poverty sucks.’ It can be hard to be patient when there’s never enough money to live in the way you truly desire. While you should aim to improve yourself financially, you must also be realistic about the time it takes for your wealth to grow.

One avenue in which many persons allow their impatience to get the better of them is with investing. People who respond to rumours about high-performing investments without doing the necessary checks to ensure that they are legitimate, often end up losing their funds.

To increase your wealth, you need to become knowledgeable about investing and business options which can help you to multiply your money. You also have to patient to wait for the opportune time to reap your rewards; remember you don’t plant an orchard today and start harvesting tomorrow.

Patience brings personal growth

Patience also refers to your ability to tolerate challenging times. If you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, take the time to understand why you are in this position, and learn what you need to do to overcome your issues. Patience will allow you to face your reality with an optimistic outlook.