Techniques and Tools Used By CBT Therapy
CBT therapy enables you to achieve your goals in life by helping you to overcome the believes, attitude, thoughts and behavior that are holding you back. It is talk therapy that requires the client to be committed and attending the therapy sessions. The behavioral therapy techniques that the CBT therapist uses will help you to become the cognitive distortions that affect your behavior, thoughts and emotions.
Some factors lead to these cognitive distortions on this site. One of the cognitive distortions is jumping into conclusions whereby one tends towards being sure about something that they do not have any evidence. Find out the benefits of cbt worksheets for anxiety that CBT therapists use. You can get the contacts of the psychologist in montreal by searching for their website. The CBT therapy consists of the use of the following tools and techniques to help you overcome the cognitive distortions that you are facing.
The psychologist will use journaling to find out your moods and thoughts. The CBT psychologist helps you identify the patterns in your emotional tendencies and help you to change them. The journaling approach determines the time you get the moods on thoughts, the reason you get them, the intensity of the thoughts and how you react. you have to work on yourself in changing, adapting and dealing with emotions and thoughts that the CBT therapy instill in you.
The unraveling cognitive distortions approach requires you to find out the distortions you suffer from most of the time. You should be honest with yourself when listing down these destructive thoughts because you know yourself better than how the psychologist knows you.
Here is more info on the steps of cognitive restructuring that you must follow. You need to find out the reason why you came to believe in the cognitive distortions that you have listed in the unraveling cognitive distortion process. The psychologist will help you realize that you have other reasons not to believe in the cognitive distortions you have.
Here is more info on signs and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. The approach is meant to expose you to the things that stimulate the compulsive behavior in you while you are expected to control your decision so that you do not behave in the same way.
There is more info as to why psychologist use progressive muscle relaxation in CBT therapy. You can read more now on how to perform progressive muscle relaxation.
The CBT therapy psychologist will take you through relaxed breathing exercises. You need to be comfortable while going through the therapy; hence, the psychologist will take you through them relaxed breathing exercises after the progressive muscle relaxation exercises.