Why You Need Massage Therapy
Many people today love to be massaged. People look for massage after work. It also energizes them and helps to relieve tension in their back. People like massage for one reason or another. While you may know many benefits of massage, there are other benefits that you may not know about.
Regular massage helps your body work at optimal levels. You get physically and emotionally fit. If you want the other benefits of massage, just continue reading below.
Muscle pain, fatigue, and tenderness, are the symptoms of a chronic condition called fibromyalgia. Stress and lack of sleep can bring about symptoms of this chronic condition. Massage helps relieve stress and alleviate muscle pain, discomfort, and spasms in people experiencing fibromyalgia. With massage, people are effectively treated for this condition. Massage is included in the treatment plans of people suffering from fibromyalgia.
After surgery, massage can help ease up its effects. Since massage increases circulation, relaxes your muscles, and improves your joint movement and flexibility, it can help you get back to your feet quickly. It also promotes tissue regeneration and reduces postsurgical adhesions and swelling.
Massage also improves your mood. You get relaxed and your mind feels good after a massage. Anxiety and depressions can be treated with massage. It is able to lower the body’s cortisol which is the stress hormone. Massage helps to increase the hormones serotonin and dopamine which are the feel-good hormones.
Massage can help relieve headaches. People commonly suffer from migraine headaches. Stress and poor sleep can trigger migraines. If you get a massage, your quality of sleep gets better and you will have fewer migraines. Headaches are relieved with massage.
Blood pressure can be lowered with massage. Strokes and heart attacks are due to high blood pressure. People who had three 10 minute back massages a week lowered their blood pressure more than people who spent the same amount of time just relaxing, according to a research study.
If you have a regular massage, then your flexibility is increased. You need to be flexible if you are athletes that are always putting pressure on your knees or if you are someone who has lost some range of motion on your hips. Massage can help maintain flexibility and range of motion by working the muscles, connective tissues, tendons, and ligaments. It also stimulates production and retention of natural lubricants between the connective tissue fibers.
Breaking back pain is relieved by massage. Back pain is one of the most common reasons that people get a massage. This is a very helpful treatment for them. The relief of back pain can be achieved better with massage than with other therapies like acupuncture and spinal modification. You don’t need painkillers anymore if you have a massage.
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