I own a sandwich shop in the middle of NYC. A lot of people come to this shop during the day to get a hot sandwich, especially during the winter. Everybody has their own favorite orders that they regularly get, and I can easily remember what everyone wants after they order just one sandwich. One day at the shop, my heater stopped working, and it was like working inside of a freezer. Customers would comment on how cold it was in the shop when they entered. I looked for a company to perform HVAC repair in NYC because I needed my shop to be warm again.
While I was looking for a repair company, the other workers in my shop were handling the orders. They’ve been working with me for years, and I consider them to be valuable members of my team. In a way, I think of them as my family. I can always count on them to come through when things get rough, and this was the perfect time to count on them. After a bit of searching, I was able to find a company in NYC that was very close to the sandwich shop to come and look a the heater.
A worker from the repair company came and I showed him where the heater was and explained the problem. He opened it up and did some testing and found exactly what was causing the problem. He did a bit of tinkering and removed something and replaced with another thing and the heater was working again. He explained to me what he did to the heater, but it was a bit too technical for me and went over my head a little bit. The workers in my shop are younger than me, so they were able to understand it perfectly.